It’s March, which means pretty much everyone has spring fever. It’s a perfect time for us to do a little bit of Spring Cleaning. Yes, we know it is a dreadful task that we all just wish could be done with a snap of a finger, but it does require a little more elbow grease than that. Thankfully we have found some really easy ways to help clean your house faster, and also keep it clean for a longer period of time. Roll up those sleeves, grab your cleaning caddy, and let’s get to scrubbing!
It is so easy and efficient to have a cleaning caddy. What is a cleaning caddy? Well, it is an amazing little toolbox that you carry all of your cleaning sprays, towels, scrubbers, sponges, or whatever else you typically use to clean your home. This is a great way to save some time from gathering all of the materials you need just to start cleaning in the first place. Another reason why having a cleaning caddy is an amazing idea is because when cleaning a home, you are more than likely walking around and with a caddy you can move anywhere in the house and just take it with you. Awesome right! Saves you time and energy so you can do a little more cleaning in the long run.
The next very important tip is to divide and conquer! In that we mean for you to take all of the tasks that need to be done and divide it into segments of what will get done first, second, third, etc. If you have family that will be helping you with your spring cleaning, make sure that you divide up the tasks among everyone so that you get done efficiently and timely. If you are an extra organized person, it may even be helpful to create a schedule with blocked out times for designated cleaning. That way you and everyone else can stay on track plus reduce your stress at the same time.
Now is time to dig in and deal with the clutter and try and create a clear canvas to start with. One you start gathering up your “clutter” decide if its worth it to keep, and if it is then put it away where it properly belongs. If it’s not useful to you but could possibly be useful to someone else, consider donating it. If it’s really nothing anyone can use and has no sentimental value to you, just toss it so you can minimalize the junk around the house. This will help reduce the amount of cleaning you will do in the future and also help you get more organized at the same time. We suggest putting everything you are donating in a box or a bag that everything can be packed in as you clean so it doesn’t become clutter again.
Once you have everything put away in its place, you can start to dig into the dust! It is always important to start from the top to the bottom, so you are not going over the same things twice. Like mentioned before do all the dusting around the whole house before moving on to wiping down the windows and mirrors, sanitizing and cleaning all of the countertops and doorknobs. Then for the last part, vacuuming! Now you have everything put away and everything has been wiped down, vacuuming should be a breeze. Just push that baby through each room and make sure to go vertically all the way and then horizontally so you can ensure you pick up all the little pieces in the carpet. This will give your house a thorough cleaning and also prevent you from having to come back soon to do it again.

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